Friday, August 29, 2008

Day 2 of Pre-School

I knew that when I dropped him off on the second day, it would be way more traumatic than the first. This time, he knew what was coming.

Again, we played outside for a few minutes, and then the teachers started ringing the bell. Another boy tried to give the bell to Dane, so that he could help, but this is when Dane started to freak out. "Nooooo! No, Mommy, nooooooo!"

He latched himself onto me with such a grip that I honestly couldn't get him to let go at first. Finally I managed to say goodbye, give him a hug and a kiss and tell him I'd be back after lunch, while getting him off of me. One of his teachers took his hand and led him inside, to look out the "goodbye window." He was hysterically crying, and waving frantically, and yelling BYE BYE BYE!!!

He must have calmed down pretty quickly because I didn't get a call on the second day. I got to school at about 12:15 and saw him on the playground, sitting in a car inside the race-track while lots of kids raced around and around on bikes. He was just sitting there in the car... honestly it looked a little cute and little sad... I went over and said, "Hey, are you OK? Are you having a good time?" to which he answered "Yep! Just playing with my friends!" Well, OK!

Day 1 of Pre-School

Take two.

We drove to the school. Dane was pretty excited. Once we got there, we played on the playground with the other kids for about 15 or 20 minutes. Then, one of his teachers announced that she was about to ring the bell, and that when she did that then all the parents would have to leave.

Dane helped her ring the bell.

We were all standing around the doorway of the classroom (between the class and the playground). I said to Dane, "OK, go sit on the carpet," which he did immediately and without protest. He didn't know what was coming! I looked at the teacher and said, "So... should I just go?" She said, "Yep! We'll call you if we have to."

I started to leave, and noticed that no one else was leaving. I felt kinda weird about not saying bye, but I knew it would be better that way. If I went in to say bye, and then left again I knew I would witness a melt-down of mythic proportions. As I was walking back to the parking lot, I continued to notice that no other parents were joining me. Looks like I'm the best listener in that group!

As I was getting into the car, I finally saw a few other parents coming around the corner.

I got a call at about 10:15. "Dane's doing OK... he's crying sporadically, but he cheers up now and then." They asked me if I'd come an hour earlier just so that he wouldn't be too overwhelmed the first day.

When I got there at 11:30, I peeked in the window and saw him sitting right next to his teacher, playing with play-doh and generally seeming fine. I went inside and he was happy to see me, but also seemed quietly guarded-- like, what is going on now?!

As we were driving home, I asked him probably a million and one questions about school. At first he answered, and then he just looked at me. "Can you stop talking about school?" he asked. Haha! Information overload.

Day 1 of Pre-School (Fake Out)

Our first day of school was thwarted by Hurricane Fay. I didn't think to check beforehand that morning if school was canceled, since the hurricane wasn't really supposed to hit until late that night. Dane and I were all hyped up and ready for school. We drove there, getting there a little early. I noticed the parking lot was very empty-- too empty for 20 minutes before the start of school. But still we sat there for awhile... waiting.

A few cares trickled into the parking lot. Finally, just as I was about to get out and check out the office, another family came from that way and told us that school was canceled.

I don't think it would have mattered to Dane either way, but the little girl in that family was bawling, which set off the Little Kid Chain Reaction, and of course Dane starting bawling, too.

He cried all the way home.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


We attended Pre-School Open House yesterday. All things considered, it went pretty well. I love it when teachers say, "There's no way your child will be the worst we've seen. We've always seen worse!"

Actually, I think my favorite part was when the teachers had the parents sit on the "story time" carpet with their kids, while they went over some info for the class. From time to time, the teachers would joke around with the parents. The parents would chuckle. The kids were oblivious. Except, of course, for Dane. Every time the parents dutifully chuckled, Dane would erupt with a VERY LOUD FAKE LAUGH. I thought it was hysterical. I don't know about anyone else. Do we have a class clown in the making? Hm...

Monday, August 18, 2008

much on the horizon

It's going to be a big week at Chez LittleJeans. Tuesday we have Munchkin's open house, Wednesday I try to buy books for my class, Thursday is Munchkin's first day of school, and then Sunday is my 27th birthday. Also, we have a hurricane planning to touch down here sometime this week.

Have you ever heard of 101 in 1001?

The Mission:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

I would like to do this, and seeing as when the 1001 days is up I will be almost 30, I think it's pretty good timing. But writing goals is hard-- and 101 goals? It seems impossible... I can only think of about 10 off the top of my head.

Also, my free time has pretty much dwindled down to zero now that I've discovered ChaCha. More on that later!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

random and spontaneous baking

It seems that instead of delving into a much-needed cleaning spree before we have house-guests this weekend, I decided to make soft pretzels from scratch, for the first time.

I am a cook of neither skill or ease, so I'm not sure exactly why I chose to take this path today, but YUM it was rewarded. I may have also created lots more work for myself (and husband!) now that I've effectively dirtied every dish in the house with my pretzel-making.

The dough part was the easiest... just mix up the ingredients and let them sit around for awhile. The actual rolling of the pretzel part... that was impossible. Not only could I not roll a convincing pretzel shape, but I could barely even roll the dough, period. Something was off, I guess. I had to settle for simple Xs and Os, and even that was physically and mentally demanding. Note the sad, small pretzel pancake (lower left corner, bottom plate) and chicken tender shaped pretzel (right hand side, top plate). Two of the Os did turn out to look impressively bagel-like. At least those are some sort of recognizable bread shape.

But behold-- pretzels!! They taste exactly like the kind you buy for 3 bucks a pop at the mall. Summer pretzel stand, anyone?