Wednesday, September 10, 2008

sunny, with a chance of freak downpours

If you would like it to rain, just go ahead and water your tomatoes on a sunny day.

The forecast called for rain today but it was completely sunny up until 20 minutes ago, after I came back inside after watering my new tomato plants. Then the sky immediately clouded over and the wind blew so forcefully that a huge chunk of gutter-gunk was upended off the roof, flew through the air, and landed smack on the windshield of the car-- parked in the driveway. That was cool. And it rained a lot.

Arghhh my tomatoes. I really want them to make it. I have regular roma tomatoes and then an heirloom variety called Black from Tula that is supposedly smoky and salty. We also have a few herbs that may or may not be doing so well. It's hard to tell. Nature's ways are too vague for me sometimes.


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